Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dream Sweet Dreams for Me

I wanted to post this when it happened and then I changed my mind. Now, I have some time on my hands and insomnia and I are even better friends the last two days so I figured no better time than the present.

That was a really long sentence.  I tried to make it better but I have had  three hours of sleep since in the last 36 so I don't really care what you think about my sentences!  Maybe I will write something beautiful as I am not worried about punctuation.

J.C.! Get to the point!

So my whole entire life I have never ever EVER dreamt of John Lennon.  I bet, like me, you're wondering how in the world that is possible... especially if you know some of the things that I do dream about. I have dreamt of The Beatles and each individual Beatle, except for Ringo (but let's get real, who wants to dream of Ringo?).   When I would dream of the group, John would always be absent because he's dead, even though Harrison has been in my dreams.  I am also the weirdest dreamer you could ever know because I can tell myself that I am dreaming while I am dreaming. I guess that is beside the point.

About two weeks ago I decided it would be a great idea to sleep with my window open because it would get too hot in here.  I didn't want to turn the heat off because then I would be cold. The best part is I was cold with the window open, it made no sense. Dan tried to tell me to close the window and turn the heat off,  but most of you know me well enough to know I don't listen.  Remember, window is open.

Two weeks ago today (Friday) Alex, Dan, and I decided to have a movie marathon.  We watched Batman, Scream 4, and  Ghostbusters.  By "we" I mean me because they couldn't stay awake for them. Scream 4 kept me guessing, if you want to know. So I was up super late and went to bed at like 6 in the morning, my sleep pattern has been screwy since, if you care. (This paragraph reminds me of Holden Caufield, if you really want to know.)

Alex stole my ID when he went back to his flat and woke me up when he came in to give it back in the morning.  I spoke to him for a few incoherent seconds and went back to sleep. The dream that followed wasn't like any other dream in my whole entire 27 years, 6 months and 20 odd days of life. In said dream, I was at the beach, which I hate the beach so already this is interesting. I'm on a boardwalk all by myself.  There are games, rides, and food stands but it's all vacant.  It's a completely empty boardwalk on this beautiful day.  Suddenly, there is one person, in a white suit, white shoes, a full beard, long hippie hair, and gold granny glasses just walking towards me.  The real Autumn said to the dreaming Autumn, "Aud, this is a dream about Lennon!"   For those of you who do not know, it's him on the Abbey Road cover or the makeshift video in Beatles Anthology for The Ballad of John and Yoko. I'm sure all of you know that though.

The sun was shining on his face and he was smiling so big! There was a seagull or a dove flying over head. I really want to say it was a dove for poetic reasons, but what would a dove be doing on the beach?  Then again, why am I on the beach, with John Lennon for the love of God?  Maybe it was a dove.  He wasn't very far from me but he wasn't very close either.  I could make out his teeth when he smiled so he was at least that close.  The sunshine on him, the smile on his face, and the seadove (see what I did there?) were all amazing.  It seemed as though he was going to say something...

And then...

The garbage truck came, under my open window, in real life.

I was mad about this for a few seconds (aka days). But then, I was happy that Lennon finally made an appearance in my dream, while I was sleeping in Liverpool after a night when I was on Mathew Street.

To be fair, I fell asleep for a little while during Ghostbusters.  But everyone else was already really asleep.

And my window is now closed.