Friday, October 5, 2012

Love Me Do

It was 50 years ago today that "Love Me Do" was released.  Of course, Liverpool is going to go crazy over this and there are gigs all over the city and everyone needs to do all of it.  I am not. But I did participate in an  attempt to break the world record for most people singing in a "Love Me Do"  in a choir-like style.  Dann and I debated whether or not to go because we have been sick and both slept terribly last night. In the end we decided to go.  Called the cab, sat in traffic, go to the scene of the event only to be told that we were too late!  Dann, in his best man tone, cried out to the lady 'She's come all the way from America for this!"  The woman, "You can ask the gatekeeper (Ghostbusters!),"  and pointed to this guy. Mr. Guy just opened the gate and told us to hurry because we need to be counted.  So we got in anyway.  I was hard not to smirk and the lady.

I honestly wasn't sure how they were going to pull this off.  They had about eight "conductors"  scattered among the crowd and many "officials" from the Guinness World Record office board.  I wondered how the heck do you get the job with GWR?  But whateves.  We had a quick practice and then before you knew it (and before it was scheduled) we were all singing along to the happy little tune.  Thank goodness that it's a short song!

We did the first attempt and the GWR professionals and the conductors all got together and checked the video and audio to see if we were sufficient enough to break the record.  Let me tell you,  there were 1,631 folks singing that happy harmonica filled song and we broke that record!  BAM!

So here is the link.  Autumn's debut on the BBC . We are in the beginning, you can find us at the end of the line in the opening. Dann has a green frog hat on, Esmee is on the closer side and I am the one furthest away, and the shorter one. :)

Have a great day.