No news has not been good news my friends. As I figured, I've reached my limit on my students loans. Well my Stafford student loans at least. Not a big deal but this just isn't the way I wanted things to go. I can still apply for a private loan (chuckles) and maybe Sallie Mae (screams with fright) but I have a feeling that that isn't going to work out.
Hope did get back to me about my moving in in August. I will be leaving August 19th, which is just around the corner. So I am on my way. Without a visa or a course offer number. I don't have a visa because I can't apply for it without a course offer number which I have to get from Hope. Irritating.
I had something else to mention but I can't remember what it was at all! What a waste of a song title!
I remember (3 days later)
As it turns out I will be home for the summer in 2012. It will cost me two arms and two legs to stay at Hope over the summer while classes aren't in session and only one arm and one leg to come home over the summer and crash at my mom's. And they tell me I am not money wise!
My mom seems to have lost my passport (again) so that is less than great. Now, I have to pay for a visa and a replacement passport. Word.
Ugh! Very frustrating.